FAQs (frequently asked questions)
Do I need the consent of my parent or spouse to have an abortion?
Currently, Massachusetts Law does require parental consent or notification. Judicial bypass can be obtained in lieu of parental consent. Please see the minor’s consent section for more information. Although, involving your spouse may be helpful in making the best possible choice, ultimately, the decision is up to you.
What is the difference between the Abortion Pill and the Morning After Pill?
The Morning After Pill/Emergency Contraception may be used to prevent pregnancy after having unprotected sex or if your birth control method fails. The Morning After Pill must be taken within 72 hours (3 days) of unprotected intercourse. Remember, however, that emergency contraception cannot reverse a pregnancy that has already started.
The Abortion Pill, also known as medication abortion / RU486 is offered up to 10 weeks of gestation. It’s a combination of medications, Mifeprex or Mifepristone with Misoprostol. The tablets are given to the patient to terminate an early pregnancy without surgery at the center and later at home.
Will an abortion prevent me from having children in the future?
Pregnancy, which ends in delivery, miscarriage, or abortion, does not affect one’s ability for future fertility. There are no long-term effects from abortion.
Is a non-surgical abortion safer than a surgical abortion?
There are advantages and disadvantages to both procedures. The medication abortion may be taken up to 10 weeks after your last period. This procedure usually causes more bleeding and cramping than a surgical abortion. However, some women prefer this method because there is no surgical or anesthesia risk involved. If our physician’s evaluation finds you eligible for either procedure, it becomes a matter of personal choice.
National Abortion Federation – NAF sets the standards for quality abortion care and helps clinics meet these guidelines. Our member clinics must demonstrate that they are in compliance with our high standards for safety and patient-centered care.
NAF member facilities have taken additional steps to foster a safe environment for your health care. They must pass a rigorous application process, participate in a thorough onsite survey by NAF’s clinical staff, and demonstrate their continued compliance with our Clinical Policy Guidelines for Abortion Care.
Quality assurance is an ongoing effort. To stay a NAF member, facilities must complete periodic self-surveys and regular onsite visits by our clinical staff. NAF membership alone cannot guarantee a positive outcome; however, it provides a level of assurance that a facility has taken additional steps to prioritize patient safety and care.